Thursday, 17 July 2008

Nice PUG!

Couple of nights ago I logged Brahmin (22 Druid) and dropped him into the LFG channel for the first time. Given that I haven't run any instances with him yet I decided to try my luck in Deadmines. This was also due to my hate of Stockades and laziness at the idea of walking to SFK or BFD.

Now before I continue I must admit I can't remember any of the players names which is a shame as I'd have liked to give them a mention. I really must learn to remember names, IRL too.

Anyway, I always uncheck the auto add option and go off to do other stuff whilst waiting for an invite. Not very proactive, but I'm lazy; shoot me! I got a /w from a group leader which I always prefer to the immediate invite dialog and on accepting was really pleased to see three other people in the group including a priest.

My first realisation was that now as a druid I needed to see what the group was looking for from me. The Paladin group leader was tanking and the priest healing so that left me with vanilla DPS. Cool, kitty form for my first instance. I liked the idea of that.

The group roster was: Pally, Priest, Shammy, Mage and me.

Without boring you with details of Deadmines, suffice to say this was a superb run. We were slightly over levelled for the instance so this made it a lot easier but regardless, we gelled really well. The Pally did his usual thing of AOE tanking and I enjoyed clawing stuff from behind. The coolest part for me was when we inadvertently pulled Gilnid too soon. The Pally went OOM so I quickly switched to bear form and started tanking him. Almost straight away the pally called in chat to direct all heals onto me. It was right at this moment that I realised the druid really is one of the most fun classes to play or should that be good groups are the most fun to play?

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