Nefaros has from the start always been about making money, so mining and skinning all the way. This has proven very successful allowing him to hit Outland with just shy of 700g and pick up a few really nice blue pieces off the AH on the way. However, when I found out the Tankatronic Goggles were available at level 62 and Engineering 350 I had to have them! I thought levelling engineering would be a complete nightmare but it was actually quite easy and relatively cheap. OK, so this isn't something you're going to be doing unless you have a 70 to supply some of the harder to find mats like Adamantite and Khorium but on the whole this just made the process a little cheaper for me as I was able to farm rather than buy. The most expensive items were the higher level ores such as Mithril and certainly Thorium. Although I could have sent Daxaar into Winterspring to pick up most of this I decided to take the AH hit and spend the time farming motes as this generally yields more gold per hour.
I won't go into detail about the levelling process but suffice to say it took around 3 hours in total of which most of this time was spent watching the timer bar and running backwards and forwards from the trainer engineering supplier. It was made a lot easier by having my two accounts as working the 300 to 350 skill had Nefaros hauled up in the Honor Hold forge whilst Daxaar would do farming runs around Hellfire for the Fel Iron then head back to HH for a quick trade with Nefaros and off he'd go again. It never ceases to amaze me just how much ore there is in that zone, particularly along the main road to the Citadel.
I actually finished levelling to 350 and created the goggles just before I hit 62 so I got my gems sorted (I'll post about my decisions another time) early as the AH price was good and waited patiently. On hitting 62 I immediately popped them on and suddenly realised I hadn't seen Nef's face since 42 when I'd picked up the Southsea Head Bucket. It was rather strange seeing him again J
As of this writing I've now done a couple of Citadel runs with them and boy do they make a difference. The only issue I see so far is reduced rage generation due to the extra mitigation but overall I'm super impressed.
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